Today I started to make the movie poster for my film ‘The Split’.
Using the ideas I had drawn yesterday, I went into Photoshop and started to create my ideas.
I don’t have time to set up my own photoshoot, and my parents won’t be home until next week so I am not able to photograph them. I don’t want to spend next week making work, as the hand-in date is on the 20th, and I want to spend next week only focusing on checking my work, and writing my final evaluation.
As I don’t have any actual photos to use for my movie poster, I have had to use screenshots from my film, which is okay, as my ideas for this movie poster are just a concept, which (if my film was to be actually released), I would properly make.
I used my previous drawings of movie poster ideas as inspiration, and just tried to recreate them in photoshop. I also just experimented with different ideas.
Time-lapse of movie poster creation.
I experimented with using different screen shots from the film, and editing them with different text options/different image placements and experimenting with gradient maps/solid colour.
Images of different film poster ideas.
The images above show posters I made inspired by the drawings I created yesterday. They use a physical line in the poster, separating my characters.
I feel like these posters are a good explanation of the film visually, as the separation between the characters is shown physically through the use of lines.
Gradient Maps:
Gradient maps is also something I tried in my experimentation with poster ideas, as I had used them in my Picture House project. I don’t really know how to use them, but I just ran through different colours and saw how they looked with the images I used.
Examples of testing gradient map ideas.
I think they came out okay, some better than others but it was definitely interesting and fun to try out different things.
Time-lapse of editing process.

Overall, my favourite design I have made today was this one:
Obviously the idea i have created today aren’t finished, and more of just a tester to see what I can produce and ideas for if this movie was actually released. They are more of a concept, but they are concepts I am proud of and I like how this one in particular shows different scenes of the film ,and uses a collage-type effect to separate different images.
Image of chosen movie poster.