Today I managed to finish storyboarding my ideas, using the thoughts from my conversation with my mum on Tuesday. I am happy with the ideas I have created, and the drawings I have produced.
Below are my final ideas for the plot so far, and storyboard drawings created today.
Final Plot:
The narrative I am now going to follow in my film shows a couples relationship develop/progress, using colour grading to gradually show the change in emotions felt throughout. All scenes will be filmed in the same place, just on different days and showing different scenarios throughout the couples relationship.
The idea to record in the same space has been inspired by the film Standby (2016), where the two characters interact with each other in a small space, but in my film I want to use a sofa instead of the front seats of a car.
My mum and dad have both agreed to be actors in my film, but I am still looking for actors that might want to be in the film instead.
The plan at the moment is to use the sofa in my own living room, as that way I can keep either a tripod, or a mark so I can keep the camera in the same spot even if I’m recording on different days. That way I also don’t have to worry about the setting changing too much, as it’s in my own house.
I have decided I’m going to record this film on my phone, to challenge the boundaries of video making.
Below is the storyboard drawing I have created today, I will work on different narratives later in a future blog posts, but these are the drawings I have created so far, and in the order I have drawn them today.
Storyboard of original narrative idea.
Now that I have a storyboard drawn, I can start working on different narratives and test shots, as well as working out different lighting positions, camera work, and finalising actor arrangements.
I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders as I am now finally happy with the story I have created for my film and no longer feel confused and lost as to what I want to create.