Now that I spent yesterday practising on log footage, and it turned out pretty well, I thought I would spend the day editing my film again.
I deleted all of the grading nodes (I kept the correction, since there was no way I could edit the whole film again), but this time I tried with a fresh mind
Editing Process:
Time-lapse of grading film again.
Changes made:
Some differences I made this time when editing was that I tried not to make the colour so saturated, and fake. The gels I used on the lighting throughout making the film did most of the job in terms of colour, so I think less is more with grading in this specific project.
The previous work I make felt a bit too artificial so I tried with this version to make it feel a bit more realistic.
Some feedback I got from my mum earlier this week was the fact it cut between scenes in my old version, so I decided to used a full clip of Take 2, even though I prefer the start of Take 1.
I think the lights were too dark during this scene, as my dads shadow when he stands up is really harsh on the wall in the background.
However, I’m glad I made this change as it was also something that bugged me when editing. It looks a lot smoother now and I’m glad.
Final Film:
Final film.
Overall, the grading I have done today I think looks a little bit better than the previous work I have completed, however I’m still not satisfied with how it looks. Maybe I just have too high of an expectation for this but looking back on the grading I did yesterday, compared to that I did today, it shows that the problem was created before I even filmed.
The lighting is the thing that caused my footage to look odd, and therefore interfered with how I edited it.
This is shown best when comparing the scenes taken during the day, to the scenes taken at night. The quality of the footage is so much better during the day, because I had the natural light from the window to help me out.
The night scenes have a lot of noise, and the lighting isn’t particularly very good.
Screenshots showing day scenes.
Screenshots showing night scenes.
If I was to do this project again, I would definitely make sure I have enough knowledge on lighting to be able to make my film the best possible quality it could be.
Filming on my phone as well was probably an idea I will skip next time, and actually use a film camera to get the best settings and quality I can. However it was definitely fun to try and test the boundaries of film making.