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15/3 - Downloading DaVinci Resolve


Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Today I decided to download DaVinci Resolve for free to try and practise using professional equipment used by real colourists in the film industry.

I could play it safe and use Premiere Pro to colour grade my footage, as that is the software I am familiar with but I really want to push myself and my ability to learn new software and techniques. If I find that when I reach the point of editing and I still have no idea how to use it, I will go back to Premiere, but I will definitely try my best to learn this new software.

I have never used DaVinci resolve before, nor have I ever seen someone use DaVinci Resolve, so I spent all day watching YouTube videos to just learn the basics. It is slightly similar to Premiere Pro, as essentially they use the same features, but it is a lot more advanced and complicated.

An overview of how DaVinci Resolve looks.


Watching these YouTube videos has also made me realise how much my editing process in itself needs improving, as I don’t use as many layers as I should, and there are a lot of things I need to learn. It is very different to Premiere Pro and a lot more complicated, so I will spend the next couple days/weeks experimenting with different clips, and trying to get used to using it.

Extra Things:

Here’s some shortcuts and things I have learnt from watching them that will be useful for future projects:

B (Blade Tool)

Command + B (Cut Footage)

Shift + Delete (Ripple delete - delete footage and gap left at the same time)

Command + Shift + ] (Ripple edit right)

Command + Shift + [ (Ripple edit left)

Option + S (New Serial Node)

I (In Point)

O (Out Point)

^To pre-cut footage in the preview panel

N (Next)

P (Previous)

+ (



HD (Restrict to 40000Kb/s)

4K (Restrict to 80000Kb/s)

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