Today Rebecca gave a lecture about the plans for the next couple of weeks, and gave us a sheet to fill too, outlining ideas for how we want to present our work in the show coming up next month.
Image of checklist given by Rebecca.
Exhibition Set Up:
I spent today thinking about how I want to present my work in the show, and I think I want to project my film onto either a wall, or a white board.
Or, if there are no projectors left, I would like a screen of some sort to let nth audience watch my film.
When displaying my work, I also want to stick up on the wall/surrounding area my storyboards, script and other pre-production work.
Diagram showing ideas for display of work
If I want my work to be displayed along with my storyboards/script/etc. I need to make sure I photocopy all of my physical work, so I can display it along with my digital film.
As well as thinking about ideas for my show display, I thought I would look at a few lists from previous projects, showing different ideas for project production.
Checklists, with highlighted completed work.
The checklists above show I have done quite a few of the things on the lists, and I am happy with my project. The only thing I need to get on with now is making sure my OneDrive is up to date, and my evaluation is complete.