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23/11/21 Photography


Today whilst taking shots for my experimental film, i also wanted to practise taking photographs of the moving trains, with slow shutter speeds, as i wasn't really happy with how the photos we took last week turned out.

The settings i used on my camera were 1", f/9.0, and ISO 100. I found it a lot easier to take the photos and make them look better, now that i know how the settings interact with each other (using the photography triangle shown to the left).

I didn't take any of the photos using a tripod, as it was more of an in the moment decision rather than a planned shoot. However none of my photos were taken with a shutter speed slower than 1" so the images i took were blurry in the areas i wanted, but the rest of the image was still, so i'm happy with how they turned out.

I also used Lightroom to edit the photos after i had taken them, because i wanted to add a glow effect in the photos (almost to make the photos look like i had taken them at night, as i had an idea of a 'ghost train', abandoned/empty/glowing.), and i also wanted to colour grade them and make them look more vibrant.

Below are the photos i took, the before photos on the left and the edited photos on the right:

I used pretty much the same settings for editing all of the photos, but here is just an example of one of them:

I increased the contrast, made the temperature cooler, to give a blue tint, as well as colour grading the midtones of the photos to give the ghostly effect i was looking for. I also increased the whites of the images and the highlights as well, to give the artificial 'glow' in the images.

Overall i'm really happy with how the photos turned out and it's inspired me to try taking more images using that technique. My personal favourite photo i took is the shot of the train moving with the tunnel in the foreground, as i managed to capture a lot of detail of the tunnel walls in the front, but the train also looks slightly magical with the mint/blue colour grading i added when editing it.

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