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28/4 - Show + Group Feedback


Today at UCA we had an interim show, where students from different areas of the pre degree floor looked at each others work.

In our group there were two of us from MIP, 2 from Fine Art, and one from Fashion, and it was really interesting looking at other peoples work.

Other people‘s ideas:

The Fashion student who was in my group is doing a project inspired by Alice in Wonderland, in specific Alice‘s dress, and she’s researching into different designs and fabrics so she can recreate one herself by the end of the project.

Emily, who is also in MIP is doing a project inspired by foundations of life and what brings us together/human DNA. She‘s done research into the Bauhaus movement, and has drawn initial sketches using thumbprints/blocks/primary colours, as she feels they represent the foundations of life best. At the end of the project she hopes to make an animation.

The first Fine Art Student is doing a project into War Horse, and she‘s inspired by the mechanics of the theatre props, and how they move to look realistic. She has drawn sketches of horses, and their movement, and has also created a prototype leg. By the end of the project she hopes to make a replica of one, that actually moves and people can interact with.

Image of the War Horse project.

The second Fine Art student‘s project is inspired by dreams. She has created paintings inspired by the notion of dreams, using brush strokes to represent the notion of moving through your dreams. She uses black and white in her drawings but has started to incorporate colour (especially red). She hopes to create a final painting by the end of her project.


Listening to other peoples project ideas as well as walking round the rooms full of ongoing projects was an eye opener to see how much work other people have done, and how different creative minds work.

There were so many unique ideas created by other people and I especially liked looking through peoples sketchbooks as there was so many amazing drawings and mood boards and materials.

Group seminar:

I also missed my group seminar on Tuesday, so we had one today instead where we all explained our ideas to the group (and Gabi), and took suggestions/questions about it.

Again it was interesting to hear other peoples ideas for their projects/and to give feedback. In the seminar group I was in, there were people doing very different things: one creating a VR game environment, two creating character designs for a game concept, one who has created personal images about his family living in both UK and Ukraine, and another creating a music video style film about love and loss.

I shared my ideas for my project with the group, and received a lot of feedback and recommendations about different shows/directors/films to look into that might relate to my project.

Feedback I got from Gabi, via email.

It was definitely good to hear other peoples perspectives and own ideas on my project, as sometimes you get too wrapped up in the project you need to step away and listen to other peoples ideas.

Some recommendations were: a show called The Royal Family which uses similar shots of the sofa and showing the life of a family, the ongoing real life TV show Gogglebox showing families watching TV, music videos by Alessia Cara using colours for different sounds, and also to research into synesthesia, which is when a person experiences one of their senses through another (for example seeing colours through sound).


Overall I’m really grateful to the people in my group who gave me feedback and ideas as I would have never thought about researching things such as synesthesia. I will definitely take their feedback on board and do some further research into the ideas suggested to me.

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