This week I have spent my time editing my film, I had plans to finish everything apart from the colour grading by Thursday, but due to a problem stated below I have now finished all of the work by Friday instead. I am still glad of process.
4/5 - Assembling the film
Today I started to assemble my film, as I hope to finish everything apart from the colour work by tomorrow evening.
Assembling the film is pretty easy as essentially all I have to do is slot the scenes into place in the order drawn on my storyboard.
I am editing the film in DaVinci Resolve, which is new for me compared to previous projects but assembling the scene was pretty easy, as I had a storyboard to refer back to.
Screenshot showing assembled film.
5/5 - Audio Part 1
I don’t want any extra music or audio in my film, as each scene is a snippet from real life, so I want to use the original audio from the shots.
This makes my life editing a lot easier, as I don’t have to look for any music of soundtracks to use, however I will consider finding sound effects or creating my own (like a door slamming, or sound of the TV in the background), I think it will enhance or support the scene in question.
There is one thing I needed to redo though, which was the arguing scenes. There was nothing wrong with the audio in terms of volume, but I thought that the dialogue sounded a bit staged and I wanted to redo it so that the scenes seemed as real as possible. I understand that it’s awkward for my parents to act out these scenes but I just wanted to see how it would turn out.
Original shots of off-camera argument.
I planned on recording the audio today, so I could be finished with everything by tonight, but my dad is not here to film the audio, so I will have to wait until tomorrow.
I understand that this is not ideal, but I still have next week to finish my colour grading, and I think that that should be plenty of time.
6/5 - Audio Part 2
Today I managed to get the new audio I needed for the scene, and I think it definitely does sound better that the original.
Because the actors are not physically in shot, and the arguments are happening in the background of each scene, it means that I didn’t have to set the camera and all the lighting equipment back up and reshoot the whole thing, but instead I recorded the new audio on my phones note app.
I didn’t want them to follow a script and instead just make it up as they went along, but be more shouty towards each other so it sounded more realistic rather than a speech. I didn't need for the arguments to necessarily flow, because I could cut and edit the dialogue.
Screenshot of new audio captured on iPhone.
To edit this new audio in the film I just muted the original videos audio, imported the audio from my phone, and arranged it in a way I think fit the scene best.
Screenshot of editing audio process.
Final Assembly:
I have exported the video and here is what the final assembly of the film looked like. I just need to focus on the colour work now.
Final assembled film.
Overall, I have finished assembling my film a day later than originally hoped, but it was due to things I couldn’t control, so to have finished it all by the end of Friday is still great, and I hope to have the finished film all completed by this time next week.