Today we were focusing on the real life tales of Disney's fairy tales. The real stories we being passed down from generation to generation, but the tales was slowly changing each time, so to preserve the stories, the Grimm Brothers wrote them down. Later on, Disney changed the stories to make them more child-friendly, when converting them to animated films.

Inspired by Disney changing the stories of old folk tales, I made a new version of Goldilocks, as if it was set in 2020:
Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl called Goldilocks. She was walking to her friends house, during England's second lockdown, and meeting up for a party. Pretty soon, she came upon the house. She knocked, but because the music was blasting no one heard her, so she walked right in.
At the table in the kitchen, there were three drinks of alcohol. Goldilocks wanted to try some. She took a sip of the drink from the first cup.
"This drink is too weak!" she said. So, she took a sip of the drink from the second cup. "This drink is too strong" she said. So, she took a sip of the drink from the last cup. "This drink is just right," she said happily and she drank it all in one go.
After she'd drunk all of the alcohol from the kitchen, she decided she wanted to talk to some people. So, she walked into the living room where there were people partying. Goldilocks sat next to the first person and started talking to them.
However, they were too quiet, and she couldn't hear what they were saying. So she sat next to a second person, but they were way too loud, practically shouting at her. So she tried the last person sitting by themselves, and they were just right.
Goldilocks wanted to dance by this time, so she got up and went to choose a song. She put on the first song but it was too slow. So she put on the second song, but it was too upbeat. Then she put on the third song, and it was just right. Goldilocks starting dancing.
As she was dancing, everyone heard sirens arrive outside the house. Three police officers made there way into the house, and everyone started to run out. Goldilocks followed them, but one of the police officers grabbed her arm. The police officers explained to her that she was under arrest for breaking lockdown rules and attending a party. She got given a £1000 fine, and she never went out during lockdown again.