World Issues list:
Extreme Poverty/Access to clean water
I have chosen extreme poverty because I feel strongly about helping people and acknowledging the fact that there are people living around the world who don't have the same opportunities or standard of living as us, because they don't have enough money. I also want to integrate access to food and clean water, and world hunger into it as well. There are many families living in some of the poorest countries in the world who don't have access to clean water, food, or education, because they don't have an income, or such low money they just don't have enough to support their family. The statistics show that the number of families living on under $1.90 a day, is increasing. Hearing different adverts from companies like Unicef, and Wateraid, etc. make me so sad and realise how lucky I am to be able to just go to school, or to eat a meal. But it's quite shocking to see the amount of people who watch them kind of adverts, but don't donate anything. For rich/well off families it must be easy just to turn off an advert like that and pretend like it doesn't exist anymore, and just carry on with their life, because they don't personally have to deal with it, but there are families that are living day in and day out in extreme poverty, not just 1 minute for an advert on TV.
The photo above shows children in Pakistan eating food off of the floor. They are obviously children from a family living in extreme poverty, who don't have enough money to buy fresh food from markets, so have to eat food off of the floor, which could be unsafe to eat, and could maybe even cause illness if they contain parasites. I chose this image because it shows you the reality that some children our age and younger are living in; it also makes me reflect on my childhood and compare it to the children in the photo, and makes me realise how lucky am for basic necessities like food and water. The intension of the picture, is to show the realities of some families, and to make people feel sympathy towards others living in these conditions. Different companies like Unicef would use photos like this to get people to donate money to the people in need of it, as it shows how awful living conditions are in low developed countries. Other photos that Unicef would use is showing the life of the children after people have donated money to help them, and seeing how happy they are would inspire people to help change the life of a family living in these countries as well.