I have got a lot to do when it comes to editing the scenes for my film, and in previous projects it is something i know to have taken me the longest time to do. Because of this i need to try and move quicker, but i have done this before and now have more experience when it comes to the software i am using (Premiere Pro), so i think it will be easier to move at a quicker pace.
Creating Sequence:
The first thing i have done is to put all my videos i want to use in a sequence, and work out the order of the clips i want to show, using my storyboard as reference.
The original sequence of clips i had made for my overall film scene.
If i'm honest, i think editing the audio of a film is my least favourite part, as it is really hard to try and find the right audio. I first added clock ticking sounds over the scenes where i'm zooming into the clock face, as well as an alarm sound when my actor suddenly opens his eyes and is in a different place than where he fell asleep.
As well as that, I thought about overlaying the insomnia monologue from 'Fight Club' over the top of the scenes so it could end up being my own version. I tried it, but didn't really like how it turned out, as you can hear other sounds in the audio (like ticking and the photocopier the narrator is standing), so i tried to think of other ideas instead.
My film scene using the original audio from Fight Club (1999).
I was really stuck for ideas and then watched some scenes from the film 'Altered States', to try and get inspiration, and there was this scene below which i managed to get some ideas from. The audio was a high pitched violin scratching, and the scenes came up on the screen fast and randomly. I thought it could be an effect i could create from the scenes i already have.
Part of a hallucination scene from 'Altered States' (1980)
I liked the repeating images, as it creating an unsettling feeling of a warped memory almost, like we're seeing the clips again and again until the full scene is shown later on, it getting more and more distorted as the scene goes on.
Using ideas from the scene, this is what my composition ended up looking like. I used a horror violin audio, but i thought it needed a bit more depth to it, so i though adding the sounds of bees buzzing would be a good way to imitate broken audio, and add to the creepy/distorted feeling i wanted to create.
Colour Correction:
Now that i was happy with the audio and the sequence of my film scene, i then moved on to colour correcting the clips (using adjustment layers for the scenes i needed to edit at the same time). This was the part i was most looking forward to doing, as i had already done some practice in my spare time and really enjoyed doing it.
Before (left), and after (right).
It took a long time trying to colour correct each individual video, but i think the final shots i got looked pretty cool when all put together. It definitely created the effect i wanted to.
here's another before/after, as you can see i toned down the bright greens in the image, and added a dark gradient towards the bottom of the scenes, to make it look like the world is losing colour.
The only bright/highly saturated colour you will see throughout my whole film, is the blue in the liquid sand timer, which is featured many times in the film. I kept repeating these scenes, showing the sand timer slowly emptying, as it could be taken as a metaphor for the lost sleep that my character is getting, time is running out for him to fall asleep, and at the end of the scene you see his eyes open.
Throughout my film i never specifically mention my character is suffering from insomnia, and this is the hallucinations he is seeing, but i think the clock ticking, character waking up, and looking into the camera sleepily it could be pretty obvious. However i also want my film to be up to interpretation, so people can watch my film and think different things.
I will attach my final film in my next blog post.
FunkyardDogg (2008), Altered States - Cleverest Scene/Hallucination, Youtube, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40FiMy-ak0k&t=38s (Accessed 18/1/22)