I started to create my zine, with the idea of a simplistic design in my head. I wanted the images of the films to be the main focus, and the text just there to support the images. I am a person who learns better visually so i wanted there to be lots of images included in my zine.
I used different images with different sizes to show different importance. So for example below i used one photo along a two page spread, as i like the image a lot and i think it fits altered states well.
I did also want to create different layouts with the images and text, so it wasn't too simplistic to look at, so i practiced making grids to break up the page, and turning them into frames which i could then add images to. To do this i went to layout > create guides, and then edited how many columns and rows i wanted. I then created frames using the new guides on the page for reference.
I'm not very familiar with InDesign so i found it took a longer time than i expected to make the different layouts, but i learnt different ways to make the images more fun, for example using the pen tool to create different frame shapes, giving you more room to be creative with the layout.
Overall, i found this workshop fun, but i think i need to get a bit more familiar with InDesign, so i can find out different shortcuts/way of doing things to make my life a bit quicker and easier.