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Final photos


I forgot to upload my final edited photos inspired Rene Magritte's painting 'Not to be reproduced'. I decided to put my own spin on it, so instead of person looking into the mirror and seeing the back of themselves, they are instead facing away from their reflection, which is facing them.

To create the photo above, i used mask layers in photoshop to merge the two separate photos together, i then used different adjustment layers to create the style i wanted (i created a photo with more of a pinkish tone, as i wanted it to reflect the painting in a way, and make it look 'old').

Below shows my process on photoshop

Merging the two photos, and cleaning up any imperfections:

Adjusting the brightness/darkness of the image:

Adding a curve layer the change the hue of the photo:

For my second photo, i decided to create a 'woman without a reflection', and used the same techniques as above to create the effect:

The two photos i used to merge together:

The original photo:

After adding the 'no reflection' mirror on top:

Adding a colour balance layer to meet the look i wanted to create:

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