On Friday i took some practise photos planning out what kind of work i would be creating next week. They weren't serious photos, i just asked Emily to look in the mirror and then do a different pose, so i could practise editing it and seeing what kind of image i could create.
This is what i created while just quickly overlapping the two images together and creating a layer mask to merge them; obviously the lining up of the two images need work but i just wanted to see what it would look like and i'm happy with how it turned out.
On Monday i will take the real photographs and stage them to fit my horror theme, my next blog will show the photographs i am inspired by.
Screenshot showing my photoshop process:
I imported the first image into photoshop, then the second image on top of it.
Reducing the opacity of the second image to line up the images as best as i could (i would use a tripod when i shoot the images for real, so i wouldn't have to do this step)
I then created a mask and started to paint away the second image so i could see the other image under it, starting to merge the two images together.
Then i created a new layer just to use the brush tool and paint over any final blemishes.