Spectrophobia is the fear of mirrors, and what might be reflected in them, and is a fear that is linked with the fear of ghosts/the undead. People with spectrophobia can fear the thought of something frightening jumping out of the mirror, or seeing something disturbing inside of it next to their own reflection when looking directly at it. Others fear that it is a link to the preternatural world or a gateway into another world, and may fear being pulled into the mirror by some preternatural force. Some also fear their own reflection in the darkness, as it can appear distorted in strange ways or their reflection may frighten them
^Reference: (2021), Wikipedia (online), Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrophobia , (Accessed 30th September 2021)
Horror film directors create ideas for films that feed off of people fears, so for my film i want to use spectrophobia to create fear in my viewers.